Model 2425 PCI Telemetry DAC Multiplexer
Deterministic, Low Latency, fiber-driven DAC Strip Chart Multiplexer from Acroamatics
Each compact, 2u/3.5″ rack height DAC Multiplexer chassis enables up to six Model 2900 Telemetry Data Processor systems to send serial DAC and Discrete data messages to as many as eight (8) 8-channel chart recorders (a total of 64 channels) – requiring but a single copper or fiber connection to each TDP. An optional expansion card supports the interconnect of up to four DAC Multiplexer chassis, enabling up to twelve (12) TDPs to share up to thirty-two (32) 8-channel strip chart recorders, with each TDP having access to any or all channels, thus enabling the strip charts to be easily re-allocated if one fails.
The serial interface allows the strip charts to be located up to 100 feet from a TDP chassis when using copper links, and up to 1000 feet with the fiber-optic link. Chassis options provide various combinations of copper and fiber-optic links.
A second option card received and regenerates IRIG B timecode, slow code, and the front panel PAPER RUN switch, providing these signals on eight separate RJ45 connectors, or one for each strip chart recorder. Serial input messages are generated by the Acroamatics 1602P, 1605P and 505V cards (over copper wire links), and by the 482 mezzanine DAC card over a fiber-optic link.