Our Bit Error Rate Test Set (BERT) products all include full and independent transmit and receive paths.
Generated test data streams are monitored at the return link where errors are detected and reported. Test data may be manipulated to produce intentional errors to simulate unique conditions so as to stress the components of the link.
- Pseudo-random & User Defined-patterns
- Independent Transmit & Receive Sections
- Bit Error Measurements
- Jitter/Noise Performance Test & Plots
- Link Delay Measurements
- Acquisition Time Measurements
- IRIG Code Conversion, Low Density Parity Check (LDPC)
- 1 bps to 50 Mbps
- Single or Dual-channel Units

Model 650 Data Transmission Test Set fills the need for high performance data-link verification and qualification at an affordable price. The user is provided with totally independent transmit and receive functions to allow rapid fault isolation and data link characterization.

Model 652 Data Transmission Test Set provides the user with two totally independent channels, and each channel provides independent transmit and receive functions.

Acroamatics’ Model 2680P AGC Data Logger is a stand-alone 16 channel telemetry receiver performance monitoring unit that records and displays time tagged AGC voltage samples to a log file. The 2680P is configured to input, sample, display, and log to disk time tagged analog voltages from up to 32 analog sources, such as telemetry receiver AGC monitor outputs.
For information about the legacy products we support but no longer supply the software or hardware, click here.